Forex Magazine at the presentation of DJ FOREX

PRIME-Tass and Dow Jones Newswires announce the successful launch of Russian-language news feeds on the foreign exchange market DJ FOREX

Moscow, May 12. The leading Russian economic information agency PRIME-TASS news agency and the world financial and economic news agency Dow Jones Newswires today officially announced the launch of a Russian-language news feeds on the international currency market - DJ FOREX. This unique for the Russian market news intended for the Russian foreign exchange dealers, analysts, customers of banks and investment companies offering services on access to the world currency market.

News was unofficially launched in early February. Since then, subscribers DJ FOREX became more than a dozen of the largest Russian banks and financial companies, including Guta-Bank, MDM Bank, Lefko-Bank, company, Forex Club, Teletreyd, Fibo, Kalita-Finance, and Russian Alpari Dealing Center.

The number of individual users DJ FOREX, receiving news through their brokers, there are now hundreds of people. It was expected that by the end of the year DJ FOREX will be available to several thousands of individual users.

"The first three months of the DJ FOREX show that in Russia there is indeed a serious demand for quality information in real time on the international currency market. It is obvious that the demand for this information will grow, as Russia is approaching the year 2007, when Russian ruble should become a convertible, "- said director of PRIME-TASS Oleg Ananiev.

"We are very pleased to positive market reaction to our new product. This reaction shows that in Russia there is a demand for quality news on the foreign exchange market by Dow Jones Newswires", - said Michael Bergmayer (Michael Bergmeijer), Vice President of International Sales and Marketing, Dow Jones Newswires. "We are also very pleased that our partnership with the PRIME-TASS news agency developed and now has reached the stage in the production of joint products."

News consists of headlines and articles translated from the same tape Dow Jones Newswires, highlighting the situation in the key world currency venues of Tokyo to New York in real time. Especially detailed bid for the U.S. dollar, Japanese yen, euro, British pound and Swiss franc. In the special category "People say the market" published operational comments and forecasts of leading market participants. Every day is a few reviews, market commentary and technical analysts. One section of the tape deals with macroeconomic data from the Big Seven. Subscribers have access to a constantly updated calendar of major events affecting the currency market.

The translation into Russian news team from a few professional translators and editors are well versed in the specifics of the foreign exchange market. The quality of translation is controlled by Dow Jones Newswires.

DJ FOREX News in Russian in real time is available to subscribers from 7 am to 11 pm Moscow time, when the opening of the main foreign exchange markets. In addition, subscribers also have access to the news headlines in the foreign exchange market in English 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

News in Russian now consists of 150-200 titles per day, while the number of English-language titles may exceed 600.

Newsline is available for individual customers through the website PRIME-TASS or by e-mail. Large customers have the opportunity to receive news via the IP-connection. Dow Jones Newswires Customers can subscribe to news virtually anywhere, including through Reuters terminals.

DJ FOREX is the fruit of cooperation between the Prime-Tass and Dow Jones Newswires, which was formalized by the treaty last year. Agreement on the Establishment of DJ FOREX was signed in January this year. PRIME-Tass and Dow Jones Newswires are considering creating similar products for financial markets.

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Dow Jones Newswires, the world's largest news agency, deals with the spread of economic, financial, and political information. News agencies often have a strong influence on the situation in global financial markets. Every day, Dow Jones Newswires publishes up to 10 thousand messages. His clients are 318 thousand professionals of the financial market in 66 countries. In addition, millions of people have access to selected Dow Jones Newswires reported on the Internet, through electronic exchanges, corporate web sites and networks. News Dow Jones Newswires published in 11 languages.

In the past and present of the Dow Jones Newswires had received an award as "Best Supplier news from the professional edition of Inside Market Data. Dow Jones Newswires was founded in 1882. Currently, it operates 800 journalists and editors. Dow Jones Newswires - is part of a global network of Dow Jones & Company, in which 1,6 thousand journalists. Dow Jones Newswires also uses the resources the agency Associated Press.